Interested in Guest Posting?
Because here is your opportunity to guest post here on Learning the World!
All I ask is that you send:
Your Name
Your Blog's Name
Your Blog's Link
You Blog's Button (if you have one, if not, no worries!)
Tell me a little about yourself.
What do you do in your spare time? What's your favorite food? Do you prefer roller coasters or the teacups at amusement parks? Are you a coca-cola kind of gal or guy, or a pepsi drinker? Do you have any random habits? What about pets? Where are you from? And how did you get to be where you are today?
But most importantly!
What do you want to post about?
I'm giving you pretty much free range on your guest post (for the time being).
I want you to keep in mind though that I focus on: travel, self-improvement, relationships with others, happiness, adventure, challenge and life!
But, please! Don't hold back. Be creative and show us what you've got!